"We come together in friendship, we sing together for fun..."
For two weekends every year, Guiding folk from everywhere travel to Foxlease in the New Forest.
We come from far and wide, and we all have one thing in common... ...we love to sing!
Now we also meet on Zoom for regular evening singing sessions so that Foxlease Singing Circle members around the world can join in. For membership details take a look at our website where you will also see current events and dates:
Any female member of the Guide Association aged 18 or over
can attend and join Foxlease Singing Circle.
If you would like to come along, you can attend one weekend as a guest.
After this, you will need to become a member,
which means paying a one off fee of £5.00.
At your first weekend you will receive a metal pin badge to wear in recognition of your membership.
If you would like to become a member of Foxlease Singing Circle
please email